Michiel de Mare

The Daily Method - Time#like

Formatting Time Without Looking at The Manual

I don't always format time, but when I do, I can never remember if m means "month" or "minute", what's the code for the name of the month, either abbreviated or full, how to make sure that the date gets a leading zero, and so on. In fact, I nearly always have to look up something, and when I guess, I often guess wrong.

That's why I wrote the like_1999 gem. All it does is add an instance method on the Time class called like. Instead of using format directives to specify attributes of the Time object, you just say what the output should be if it were exactly one minute before the end of the previous century (Sun 12-31-99 11:59:00 PM).

Here are some examples

t = Time.now
=> 2021-07-02 21:59:19.784004 +0200

t.like("Sunday DECEMBER 31, 11:59 PM")
=> "Friday JULY 02, 09:59 PM"

t.like("Sun 31 dec")
=> "Fri 02 jul"


=> "07-02-21"

t.like("Next sunday at 11 o'clock")
=> "Next friday at 09 o'clock"

t.like("Sun 12-31-99 11:59 PM UTC")
=> "Fri 07-02-21 09:59 PM CEST"